Today's News & AI Audibles and Chalk Talks: AI and Media Literacy Update
Democratizing access to expert-level health coaching through AI-powered personalization.
Donate Anything to Promote Human Kindness Globally
Thrive AI Health: Democratizing Access to Expert-Level Health Coaching
Addressing Health Inequities
Thrive AI Health aims to improve outcomes for chronic diseases by leveraging AI to personalize health coaching.
Focus Areas
Sleep, food, fitness, stress management, and connection are the key areas of focus.
Funding from OpenAI
The initiative is funded by the OpenAI Startup Fund, enabling the development of these AI-driven health solutions.
Addressing Health Inequities through AI-Powered Personalization


Personalized Health Coaching
AI algorithms tailor health coaching to individual needs and preferences.


Chronic Disease Management
Improving outcomes for those with chronic conditions through AI-driven interventions.


Accessible Health Solutions
Democratizing expert-level health guidance for underserved communities.
Focus Areas: Sleep, Food, Fitness, Stress Management, and Connection


Personalized sleep coaching to improve quality and duration.


Guidance on optimal nutrition based on individual needs and preferences.


Customized workout plans to help users achieve their fitness goals.
Funding from OpenAI Startup Fund
Thrive AI Health is backed by the OpenAI Startup Fund.
The initiative is a joint effort between OpenAI and Thrive Global.
Leveraging AI to revolutionize personalized health coaching.
Improving Outcomes for Chronic Diseases
Tackling Complex Health Challenges
Thrive AI Health focuses on supporting individuals with chronic conditions, using AI-powered solutions to provide tailored guidance and support.
Personalized Interventions
  • Customized care plans
  • Adaptive coaching strategies
  • Real-time monitoring and feedback
Leveraging AI to Personalize Health Coaching
Data Collection
Gather comprehensive user data to understand individual needs and preferences.
AI Analysis
Leverage advanced algorithms to identify patterns and generate personalized insights.
Tailored Guidance
Deliver customized health coaching and recommendations to users.
Empowering Individuals with AI-Driven Health Solutions
Accessible Guidance
Democratizing expert-level health coaching through AI-powered tools.
Improved Outcomes
Driving better health results for individuals with chronic conditions.
Empowered Users
Enabling users to take an active role in managing their own well-being.
Think Bigger and Grow Richer with AI, the AI Supercampus of Media, Marking, Publicity, and AI Business Networking for all of US Stakeholders in The American Dream, Democracy, the Constitution, The Pursuit of Happiness, Purpose, and Fulfillment.
AI Supercampus - Think Bigger and Grow Richer
Profiles and human kindness.
To All Stakeholders in the U.S. Constitution,
I'm Mike Hayes, a Common Sense AI and Media Marketing Strategist. Along with my friends and mentors from Oxford University - Nakul Thomas, an MBA student, and Eero Varra, the world's foremost strategist from Oxford's MBA and EMBA programs - we promote Eero Varra's Stakeholders Narrative Storytelling Strategy for Business Sustainability locally and globally.
There are many storytelling strategies envisioned, including dialogues online dialogues that are kinder and gentler using AI to communicate back-and-forth to find common sense, common ground, and commonwealth
You can now Illustrate your support for the American Dream and your pursuit of happiness as a stakeholder in the Constitution by participating in the AI Common Sense Podcast Listening Revolution.
Think Bigger and Grow Richer with AI. Mike Hayes. Get Gamma AI, and Get Going Today.